
Strategic Consulting

ICHR Solutions was built on a single believe that “People” are the most important asset in any organization; And ICHR Strategic Consulting was developed with a single idea: To help any organization improve the return on their most important asset: their people.

Today, our consulting service enables companies to confront complex business challenges and processes by:

  • Optimizing HR and Payroll processes for a more cost effective organization with the use of cloud technology and outsourcing.
  • Leveraging and simplifying the usage of processes and cloud technology, improve employee satisfaction and therefore talent retention.
  • Vast amount of experience gained through many large-scale strategic and ERP project implementations.
  • Learning about industry best practices and primary research to develop unique solutions specifically tailored toward your needs.

With ICHR, clients get an integrated one-stop place for all HR and Payroll best-practice consulting with in-depth expertise in the leading-edge technology from ICHR’s cloud solutions, SAP, Oracles, and Microsoft .Net solutions. We are also flexible to provide in-sourcing and out-sourcing options tailored to address your unique challenges, which will meet your needs. Rest assures that we truly meant what we believe when we say that “People” are the most important asset, not only for us, but also for you.

Give us a call for a free consultation.