Ring the Register !! – Run, Don’t Walk to read this one

If you are in a startup, it would be good for you or anyone to follow Mark Suster’s blog or on twitter, he shared many of his experience and critical thoughts on his blog, for the benefit of many people including us, at ichr. Mark Suster’s blog is at http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/.

His most recent blog on “Why you need to ring the freaking cash register” he talked about getting real and do what a business do.

” But some businesses take time to find their magic. And I only know one reason companies go out of business – they run out of money.

Delaying going out of business gives you way more chances at product / market fit than any other strategy I know of. And if your ultimate strategy is a small sale of the business that recovers investment and puts some cash in your pocket – having more time to make this work makes a lot of sense. ”

Run, Don’t Walk to Read this article.